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Like a lot of people, I am easily overwhelmed by clutter. I try my best to keep clutter to a minimum in my house but sometimes it gets out of hand. If you are looking for things that are easy to get rid of and will easily declutter a space, I have the list for you!
Here are ten things to throw away and get rid of to clear up space in your home and start the decluttering process.
Expired Items
One easy way to get rid of some clutter is to throw out all the expired items that you are never going to use (and honestly shouldn’t) . This can include:
I would bet that you have a pantry and fridge with several expired items sitting in them. Really focus on your condiments and spices. I guarantee you will find a lot and end up clearing out a lot of space!
Makeup/Beauty Products
This is something I don’t often think about, but makeup does expire (quite quickly in most cases). I know I have makeup that’s probably three to five years old and well past its expiration date. Throwing that out will free up your space and it seems like a good to not be using expired products, especially on your face.

Medicine is another thing you should sort through on a consistent basis. I personally don’t want to be using any medication that’s expired. I don’t often need to take medication, so I don’t often think about sorting through that cabinet and checking dates.
One major part of the clutter problem at my house is paper. I apparently like to keep everything. This is the best thing to get of to easily declutter.
I had a drawer of just notebooks. And guess what? I never used them! They got collected and I donated them to a local school and now I have a free drawer! I have one notebook that I think will last me a while. There are other people who could use the notebooks more than me and it cleared up some clutter for me.
Receipts and Bills
Old mail and receipts were the major source of clutter at my house. It is crazy how much mail just sits on my kitchen counter. Throwing away your old bills, junk mail and receipts can really clear up an area!
Magazines get left on our coffee table. After throwing them out, it just looked so much cleaner. I never reread the magazines anyway so there was no point in keeping them.
I also had so many books that I’ve read and kept but will likely never read again. They just take up space. There are other people out there who can benefit from them and enjoy them. Right now they’re just sitting there, not being enjoyed.
With my Amazon prime account, I have access to Kindle books as well so I can read new books whenever I want.

Old Cords
Right next to my drawer of notebooks I never use, was a drawer of cords I never use. If you have random cords somewhere, throw them out., especially if you don’t know what they go to. It’s un-needed clutter.
Old Phones/Laptops
I also saved old electronics because I didn’t want to have personal information out there and I didn’t know how to dispose of them. Now my local library will recycle them properly. I just reset everything back to factory settings and turned them in.

I try to go through my clothes once a year (doesn’t always happen). If I haven’t worn it in the last year, it gets donated. This definitely helps clear out some space and easily declutter a closet.
I have also started doing this with my accessories. This included jewelry, hats, purses, and such.

This was the hardest for me but it was for the best. I feel a lot better and my house feels less cluttered and messy with fewer decorations and knick-knacks. Even if you get rid of one or two it may help your space feel less cluttered.
Most of these are such easy things to get rid of and it just clears up a lot of space. Less clutter in my home, makes me feel less anxious and has just given my house a feeling that its cleaner!

What are some things you’ve found to get rid of to easily declutter?
I SO need to declutter. With 5 kids, stuff accumulates, especially all those old pencils and notebooks that only got used a few times that you have to purchase at the beginning of every school year. I’m going to start there.
I am so bad about throwing things out. I need to turn this into a checklist and go through my house!!
We have so much medicine in our house…I need to go through it ASAP!
Great ideas! I have many boxes stuffed into closets from our move 3 years ago. If I haven’t looked in them in 3 years, I probably don’t need that stuff..thanks
I struggle with throwing out jewelry. Even if I haven’t worn it in years, there may come a time……..I’m getting better though!
Great tips! A lot of people have old medicine that they forget to throw out.
Great advice! Easy ways to help declutter and free up those junk drawers too!
We purge kids’ old toys and also medicine around the holidays every year too.
I love this! I just started going through my cabinets!
My mom keeps sharing articles like this one with me… maybe she is trying to tell me something.
I soooooooo needed to read this. Thank you. These are great suggestions. I’m starting in the bathroom with expired makeup and beauty products. So much STUFF!
Great ideas! We have been practicing minimalism for 2 years now and it is truly life changing.
Paper is a huge source of clutter here. I hate going through paperwork! Otherwise, I declutter pretty frequently.
Great list! We try to declutter at least twice a year, It’s amazing how much we accumulate that ends up having little to no meaning a few years later.
Decluttering is one of my goals for 2020. Thanks for sharing this. It gives me a great starting point.
As someone that loves to throw things out, I have to say this is a great list!
I LOVE to declutter and get rid of unnecessary stuff. You gave me some new ideas!
I seriously needed this post. I have so much clutter, I’m starting to feel like I have less space. I need to clean house and get a bigger space asap! thank you for this helpful post.
Great tips!!! I’ll need to use this list when I do some deep cleaning soon.
Thank you! I already started working on getting rid of lot of clutter!
Great ideas and very encouraging to get things done. Thanks!
I need some serious decluttering in my house and this would be a great start! Thanks!
After my husband died, I took what I wanted and moved. I had an estate sale with the huge amount of stuff I had left. It took some doing but I just walked away from it. I’ve thought of a few things in the last year that I might have wanted back, but not enough to have saved it all. Now my new home is clutter-free and welcoming!
I love it! This is how I spent my last few weeks! If I don’t use it, it has to go!
Great list. I am a sucker for always keeping electronic cords. So many that I don’t even know what they go to anymore but I am afraid to get rid of them. I just need to do it.