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In a previous post, I talked about why I stopped bullet journaling and purchased a planner instead. After doing some research and shopping around, I decided to give the Happy Planner a try. (I got one on clearance so even better!).
I liked the Happy Planner because it was structured and had the elements that I wanted, like full columns for each day so I had enough space to fill it in.
It also had stickers available to make it your own, which I love. The stickers made it easy to spruce up the pages and make it my own. Similar to my bullet journal, but MUCH less work.
I could use stickers in any planner, but I liked that these stickers were made specifically this planner. They fit perfectly in the boxes.

I use the top box to keep track of all my appointments, events and meetings scheduled throughout the day, including work schedules. This is really where I keep all my information that is schedule related. My husband and I both work full time at jobs that don’t have consistent hours, including weekends so it’s nice to have our schedules available right at a glance.
The middlebox I use for my home or work to-do lists. I like to write in a few cleaning or miscellaneous tasks each day. That way I get a little bit done each day and am not overwhelmed with tasks on my day off and can use that time to relax and do something fun instead.
Having the lists each day, helps me hold myself accountable and actually feel motivated to get things done. It helps me to see it written down and it feels SO great to be able to check it off. This also helps me to remember to do things, such as water my plants on a consistent basis!

I use the bottom box to keep track of shopping lists and occasionally to-do lists. It’s kind of a miscellaneous box to use for whatever I want. It has generally been a box to keep track of lists (shopping and to-do). I have also used it to keep track of what errands need to be done.
The thing I like about having an actual planner is that I can look ahead to the upcoming months and fill them in as things get planned, unlike the bullet journal where I only did one month at a time.
I have really enjoyed using the Happy Planner and it has been a lot more convenient than bullet journaling. I’m glad that I tried bullet journaling because I really loved the concept and the creativity I was allowed, but as much as I enjoyed the drawing and having that time to be creative, I have enjoyed spending that time doing other crafts and projects instead.

Let me know if any of you have tried bullet journaling or what type of planner you use!